Logbook entry

August 28th 3302. Kings and queens of Morai

29 Aug 2016Torrente
Boy, don't you love when you get money for nothing and the chicks for free.

It's been a busy day on Morai, hauling Tantalum in, and avoiding them pirates in the way. I reckon that CMDR Crazycandy has been way busier than me, but in the end I had to pay dear Felicity Farseer a visit, try to expand the FSD on both the Arca de Lima Cutter and the exploration ship, the Pedro Duque, because eyes are on the prize. If I get a few mils out of Admiral Patreus' pocket, I'ma be really happy, and it's also good press for Torrente Industries and the Immortals. Just the few extra miles to get the balances back in the numbers I used to have before buying and outfitting the Arca.

In any case, appears that CrazyCandy and yours truly may start setting up regular convoys, he's also on the final track in Tycoon and it's definitely more fun to roll together than hitting Sothis alone. Probably less profitable, lemme tell you, but it's not that slow-paced as I initially thought it would be. Before Morai I managed to get 1-2% of rank every day. That was alone. If my buddy and other commanders join in the wing, it's going to be way faster. The beauty of teamwork: juicy dividends. Us commanders gotta get into our thick skulls that working alone ain't getting you nowhere.

Look at what we're achieving in Morai, really: thousands of commanders up for the long haul, and we're getting close to have enough mats for three gorram battlecruisers. Gotta love it.

Just hoping the Empire don't need'em, y'know. War is bad for business. Or good for business. But it sure ain't pretty.

I had to drop the Cutter on my domains, here in Kamocan, to fetch the Conda, on the FSD tune up. I found out them commanders of the Comunidad Hispana are active after all, they just suck at ruling their home system. They've angered a bunch of mercs that offered their services. Being the cheapskates they are, now they're facing those mercs working against them. Classic scumbags, really... But they're already uploading the griefing all over the GalNet. Will have to thread carefully over there. Wouldn't like to call in the Immortals to intervene (it's reasonably far from Paras), but if the Empire's rule is challenged in Kamocan that might be a bit of a problem.

In any case, plans for today are clear: time to reach the goal in Morai.
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