Logbook entry

September 8th 3302 An Elite trader

09 Sep 2016Torrente
I'll be honest. It's happened a few days back but I was too hungover to fly/write. Sh*t happens, y'know. But yeah, trading from Sothis for around a week earned me enough to refit the San Jose Anaconda as a useful ship for the Paras fleet, doing missions and whatnot. It was however a loop between Facece and Beta-1 Tucanae to get me from Tycoon to Elite.

Yesterday I managed to sober up, woke up on Founder's World, where I had taken the conda, and made my way back to Paras for a meet with the Commanders of the Achenar Immortals. Mighty fun!

So for now I'll enjoy a bit of pause. I've invested about 200 mils setting up a mean conda, and I'll rebrand it and the Python INV, as they'll be effectively part of the Imperial Navy. Tell me how I'm not generous now, eh? heheh...
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