Logbook entry

September 6th 3301. Owning this place!

07 Sep 2015Torrente
I really have to say it! Elysium corp is owning right now on the small route we came up with on LTT 8517. The amount of money I've made with these guys in this couple of days has been amazing. I'll retaken on Centum Imperialis another day since you farm more Exploration rank that the actual credit account. And it's always nice to see these fellas. When I couldn't take anymore flying, I stopped at Hopkins' for a couple of beers. I reckon I made some good bar friends among the locals.

What shocked me is one of my colleagues, apparently lost a ship when he was doing the route alone. Some inbred yokels in Anacondas and Fer-de-lances boarded him because "he wasn't imperial". Boom. And they blew his trading Anaconda. Some people are just lookin' for an excuse to wipe people out. The Pilots' Federation has never supported those kinda morons. Space bullies.

In any case, yesterday was awesome. Good credit balance, which will enable me to get the Taxi Hauler, cash in a couple of Trade dividends I've got scattered in the nearby galaxy and time to hit the route again.

Lookin' good!

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