Logbook entry

September 8th 3301. Last heartbeats of a trade route

09 Sep 2015Torrente
The trade in Bestii is drying up. Over 140 ships had passed there according to port authorities, which hs reduced the slaves' reserves from Medium to Low, and it's likely to dry up.

Profit has also diminished considerably. I was doing small talk with an Anaconda Commander that will remain anonymous, for the time being. He was smuggling imp slaves into a Fed port. All kind of crazy, but he actually made a huge return. Deal with fines and all, but still you make a shit-ton of credits.

I don't know if I'm ready to be outright hated by the feds. I say money's worth it, but for today I have a different goal in mind.

Hutton Orbital, right? Alpha Centauri system, it's calling for scrap. Pirates have come to actually blockade the frakking space-port. I'm very tempted to sneak in with my Hauler taxi and just rub it under their noses.

There's no stopping José Luis Torrente. Remember that.

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