Logbook entry

September 9th 3301. All the way to Hutton and back again

10 Sep 2015Torrente
I did it just for kicks. Not even a ton on scrap on my inexistent cargo bay. The Taxi Hauler is amazing with its 29 Ly jumps. I was on Alpha Centauri in a couple of jumps. The rest of the trip, well, you know how it works. If it was an important place, they'd placed a nav beacon centuries ago.

So well, for a few hundred credits, all loaded up and back to Bestii again where I met again the smuggling Anaconda... And this time I reckon I bit the apple.

It's INSANE to make what I made on Imperial slaves yesterday. But the risks are there. Smuggling ain't for noobs and I strongly advise to do it on a wing. Just like regular trading, black markets issue trade benefits. And they were absolutely hefty in this case. Maximum registered profit in the galaxy for imp slaves is 4829 credits/ton. But it's a long trip. Lots can go wrong.

One of the inconvenient parts of hanging on pirate space is that you've got a lot of them, and they don't take kindly on independents, so you get a lot of heat from the law and the lawless when your cargo is hot.

It's not that I'm picky about a shady trade. As a fellow captain once said about jobs "Don't much care what it is", but no one likes that much heat on his neck, right? I gotta find me a place with less heat, though I'm likely to make less. And what I really want is to find a system that doesn't allow liquor and drown'em in it, he he he...

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