Logbook entry

September 14th 3001. Grounded on Maausk

15 Sep 2015Torrente
Gorramit! Yeah. After literally crossing the galaxy to the Corporate Headquarters of Elysium, in Yembo, to fetch the Cobra Mark III I use to fight with. After doing a helluva trip back and forth and reach my wingmates, the engine died on me at the second stop supplies.

It is true, the tech report said something was awry in the power plant mechanics, but... I did perform well in the conflict zone, so I really don't understand what happened.

Only this morning, the damn engine seemed to start. Well, I made the mistake of turning up the comms. Chatter about the Emperor's Dawn was going to win (the collective combat bounds we're turning in proves them wrong, that's clear), and random rabble I couldn't understand.

In the meantime, The Barón Rojo II stays at LTT 8517. I think I'll either resume smuggling and recover my losses or keep a foot in Maausk. After all, the ones that blockaded Ipilyaqa in theory, are doing pretty well here. We'll see how it goes.

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