Logbook entry

September 16th 3301. Giving up on Ipilyaqa

17 Sep 2015Torrente
I'm really upset and losing credits with them dissidents. The Emperor's Dawn want Prog cells? Fine by me, but at least gimme a reasonable payout for'em.

Right now, All I get is the minimum payout, which translated into thousands in losses. I'm out on the "rewards", that's gonna be recovering what I've put into that. So with a day to go, I think I'm done with this. Best thing I can do right now is move back to Maausk and tear'em a new one with the Cobra mk III or just go smuggling, I mean return to honest trading. All depending on the Corporation fellas. We winged up a couple of days ago and the zone was just like shooting fish on a barrel. I went by myself and didn't got jack, just managed to take out a Cobra myself. Gorramit.

Anywhoo! The best is yet to come. At least I'm burying what can't be won.

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