Logbook entry

September 21st 3301. Munchin' in Munshin

22 Sep 2015Torrente
Gooooooooodness pirates are becoming a pain in the *beep*. Well, sometimes it's fun when you drop by, say something funny on the comms and they're too busy laughing their arses to shoot straight, I'm I right? It worked one time but when a right-and-proper greedy douche ambushed me, measures were taken.

Elysium Corp has a new bounty on the perpetrator, but if he's even just a little smart (what he wasn't in our engagement), he's gonna stay clear of Munshin, as I've seen patrol ships and wings deployed right there. I reckon there's not enough of those, and they should be supported as much as the community can.

Sadly, Corporate headquarters are quite far, but I believe those kinda people always get what they're in for. In this case, the bounty issued is a full cargo of Palladium (200 tons), upon providing proof of completion.

My boss, Commander Desposa, is adding 200 Corporate Bonds, but I guess most of the hunters out there don't care 'bout those.

In any case,  pirates is something you're in for in my line of work. Some, you can talk. Others, no so much. This was a not-so-much case so I didn't even bother.

What gets to me if them bastards getting greedy. Ok, you pulled me off an interdicted me. Why adding insult to injury and demanding 40 tons to a dude that actually submitted and didn't give you a hassle?

And I wasn't the only one. Fellow on a big T 9 said that very pirate went in and asked a 100 tons... Now that's what I call a right and proper scumbag.  It's one thing to rely to piracy for a living. I don't do it but understand some may get the thrill of it, cool. Just don't make our trips completely worthless.

Not only you're killin' the cow you could be milking. You're also hurtin' the kind of competitors that won't mind kicking ya when you're down.

Still. Bounty's out. I don't care much who picks it. The galaxy can do without creeps like that. Me, I'm gonna keep on flying. You can't take the sky from me.


Sources recognized that poor excuse of a Commander as a CODE member. I've heard of that group...

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