Logbook entry

September 23rd 3301. Looking good in Munshin. Time for Corp biz

24 Sep 2015Torrente
Alrighty! So the corporation needs us traders one more time to keep the system supplied. Since the job in the (beautiful) station in Munshin is all but done, and I'm stable on 30% top cooperators, I think it's best if I hit up the throttle and get all the way back to Yembo. I definitely need to keep on making credits and reach a 62-65 million credits, a target that will mean I'll be ready to get me a sweet Python ship.

I'm in for a trip, Yembo's quite far but since what we need is foods, it's best we set up a convoy in Clairaut Dock in Valda, and jump straight back home.

If I get some commanders to join me, Corp says I'm getting an extra reward, so sounds good to me.

On the way back home, boys!

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︎2 Shiny!
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