Logbook entry

September 30th 3301. Not big on fightin'

01 Oct 2015Torrente
Happens all the time. You get a new ship. It has guns! And all you wanna try is how long them pirates last against them.

Lemme tell ya. Big mistake. Even on my Virgen del Rocío.

She's beautiful, alright, and the ship can take a hell more of a beating than the T7, but my thing is Cargo. Actually joined one of the new Corporate rookie traders of Elysium Corporation in a one hop route that's been very fruitful in the past (but hardly a secret, sadly). I tell ya, they don't stress it enough in the Pilots' Federation: if you make convoys y'all get richer. 5% of every trade. I've been humping at every commander flying a T9 from Yembo to Lembava to team up and trade, but hey, can't get'em all. Pity.

But yeah, couple of days back I say "ah, the heck: I'm on a Python, in Fed space, might as well try and take a couple o' pirates down and earn me some extra bucks". Figures.

A damn Imperial Clipper, likely not devoted to his late majesty, outmanoeuvred me at any single time. Kept shootin' and taking my shields down... so what the heck. Had to run with my tail between my legs.

Day will come, but for now, I better recover a bit of credits I spent on the Python. I'm still glad to have this baby. Damn right I am...

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