Logbook entry

September 3rd 3301. Virgen del Rocio's good to go!

04 Oct 2015Torrente
The little earnings I got were enough, finally, to make a lil' trip to Lembava and Diaguandri, and set right up my ship. FSD, Thrusters... They have it all. I could even fix me a nice shower and stock my quarters with good gadgets. Never underestimate a minibar...

My mechanic was VERY enthusiastic with the catalogue, like a kid at the mall... heh, she's still a kiddo, alright, but I like to see she's taking every chance she can between trips to do something fun. On the trade routes we've seen some of those Orbis starports, the one with the arboretum rings. Quite a sight from outside, but Estianna liked'em even more inside. Me, I don't mind that much. Picking apples... heh. I bet station security did more that frown at her, but she can run alright.

And anyway, my buddy Commander Hector Steele is absolutely a pathfinder when it comes to trades routes. We've been crunching millions after millions, and even on a 260 cargo capacity, this is been quite a success, eh... Maybe when I get to 50 I'ma set up an exploration ship and leave it in Yembo. The day will come that I'll want to stay far out in the galaxy, but that day's mighty far for now.

Heard also that crazy Antal has his claws set on Yembo. My bosses are optimistic they'll kick his ass. If Hudson couldn't seize the system, these fellas don't stand a chance.

But for me it's all about finding routes and supporting our economy.

All in a day's work.

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