Logbook entry

October 19th 3301. Happy birthday Emperor... wait what?

19 Oct 2015Torrente
Ain't no party like an imperial party, am I right? best wines, best meats, and all in between. When the permit to Achenar was cleared I thought it was a prank, to be honest. "Ha, look at those boys, saying an outsider can get to their capitol". Then, I check a couple of hours later and frantically start lookin' for a source of Imp slaves.

I have to say the capitol world is mighty beautiful and the station orbiting it is mighty decorated. You know, the white kinda thing, with palm trees and what not. I thought it was the Emperor's birthday. Then I remembered the old man had been wiped and the Senate had seen some rufus before appointing a new Emperor. And yes, she's gonna be called Emperor again. I betcha they ran the numbers and realized rebranding all the stations would have been a mess.

I was also very impressed of the pace the pilots around the galaxy had filled the quota that made us qualify to buy a Clipper at a reduced price. And being -modestly- between the 25% top contributors, basically that baby is gonna pay for itself. I wanna read the fine print though. If they give me time for it, I'm gonna take time to reach 100 mil in cash, so I can outfit it nice, and not be ruined in the process. Or maybe just keep'er as a pet project.

The Python is working wonders. I'm just a little concerned its shields are a bit like tissue paper even A-specced as they are. I'm also considering setting up an ASP and leave it on the corporate Headquarters, if I ever wanna take on exploring...

But none of that is urgent, honestly. Let's trade on!

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︎2 Shiny!
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