Logbook entry

October 27th 3301. Master and Kaushpoos

28 Oct 2015Torrente
Hooray! After almost a week grinding much-needed reputation in Cemiess and Vequess, the Empire has finally promoted me to the rank of Master. I know it's not much, but little by little I'll be acquiring permits to navigate the trading routes normally closed to the common folk. The advantages of a prestige-based meritocrazy. I still have to see any route that's more profitable to hit.

In any case, upon promotion I got myself all the way up to Alliance space. I know, I know. Fought against them in my youth, and I normally stay clear of Alliance types, but the lure of easy money has a very strong appeal. And I gotta say it's never been easier (and quicker!) to get in the top 40%, earning me a VERY sweet reward. I'll keep it up, cause if I come and manage to get on the crème de la crème, my new Clipper would have basically paid himself off. Guess I'll outfit it for some smuggling totally honest trading runs, since the thrusters are just wicked.

But this past week I've been surprised, positively, at how well the Python handles some firepower. Of course, it was minor pirate scum, but wow... Just wow. The Sidewinders go down like flies. Of course, it's a bad idea to engage 8 at a time... I had to run for my life, that particular time, but otherwise the Imp fellas are mighty happy with me, making me global ally and that. That's bound to earn me some chances in the near future.

In the meantime, I'll keep a day around here in Kaushpoos. Finish my business and then I'm likely to return to my regular routes. Nothing like a familiar path and Radio Hutton Orbital to get ya by.

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