Logbook entry

A fast-learner

29 Dec 2015Torrente
The guys as Shinrarta-Dezhra are truly selling those licenses cheap, lately. I've made a few new friends, and saw already my former First Mate Estianna on her little Sidewinder, trying to get the damn thing to work.

I don't look back kindly on the days I couldn't fly to the far side of the galaxy just because the Frameshift drive was too expensive. So I've decided to lend a hand and helped her out.

Yesterday it was a whole practical lesson about the wonders of Supercruise flying, the use of wing-frameshift wakes and cargo scooping. I don't mind dropping a handful tons of something so my friend can get up the ladder quickly. I know flying that can isn't fun, after all. Thankfully, she's pretty smart, a fast-learner... With a mighty good teacher, for that matter.

And since I was there I hauled a bit for the Federation, and got them to appoint me Chief Petty Officer... "Chief Torrente" doesn't sound halfway bad, really.

We'll see if I can make some more contacts, though. Regular trading has certainly lost quite a bit of its charm. No chance I'll get a promotion to Tycoon like this.
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