Logbook entry

January 7th 3302. Hanging with the big boys of Achenar Immortals

08 Jan 2016Torrente
There's trading in a wing. And there's grouping with a T9, a Cutter and a T7. Another league, basically.

The route was a one-jumper. Not the best profits you can make on those. I personally prefer the ones that have the best yields while keeping 2-3 jumps tops. There's also the factor of how far is the station from its respective sun, all to minimize time flying. Time is money, mister!

But shopping with 3 other large ships... Now that is some major profit. Just a tease: A trade dividend from the cutter was over 95k. I was opening a celebratory beer for such a feat. Even more so for the rest of the wing's benefits.

But not all stories are peaches and cream. Pirates got wind of our little excursion and some mofo interdicted twice the T-7, eventually managing to wiping it out. We managed to recover the escaped pod, but those bastards got away with a shipment of imperial slaves. Gorramit...

Tepertsi. Now here's a place I hadn't been since last august. I even took a good couple of weeks enjoying its beaches, alright. So the day leaves a bittersweet feeling. I'm good the Commander made it safe and sound but we're gonna have to help him out to get him back on his feet.

I was also taking a look at my credit balance. It hasn't been since October I've had this "little" cash. 50 millions... But at least I'm recovering them quite nicely with the San José hitting the routes. Let's keep on tradin'!
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︎2 Shiny!
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