Logbook entry

January 14th 3302. The fight goes on in Cubeo

15 Jan 2016Torrente
Fresh from the news, guys:

"This morning the operation led by the Marquis Flyingwarfox, of Black Hand, in conjunction with the Auxiliary Imperial Navy, represented by Lord José Luis Torrente has made a breakthroughin the hostilities.

While the battle raged at the ground, where still thousands of soldiers still lie siege to Metcalf Keep, The nobleman and his wingman led several fly-bys above the rebellious fortress, destroying several turrets, Goliath armored vehicles and Sentinel patrol vehicles, that were taking a heavy toll on the Imperial ground forces deployed.

The commanders also facilitated the insertion of several special forces teams whose role in the fray is still classified, but that will be "immensely helpful" to the war effort, in the words of the Imperial command, operating from the Forward Command Centre established in Roskam Enterprise, on Cubeo.

Sources close to Imperial Auxiliary Navy, back on Achenar, are acknowledging the campaing led by the seasoned nobleman, who could be appointed Duke by the Emperor in the aftermath of the clashes.

Lord Torrente had this to say on the experience: "I reckon I was absolutely surprised when the Navy appointed me Knight at all. My job ever since I became a pilot has been to give people what they want. So I just expected, y'know, my paycheck. When a uniform walks by I tend to look the other way, no? When I was promoted to Lord I guess I'm making the right impression on the right people!".

The back door rumours also appoint at Torrente being granted the title of Baron, provided he survives the campaign. He's been affiliated loosely with the capitaline group known as the Achenar Immortals, famous among other things for drunk-driving SRVs on the moons and planets of the Capital system they take their name on. Their leader, Prince Elenar, who's leading a scientific team outside of the system, was unavailable for comment on the supposed appointment."
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