Logbook entry

August 3rd 3301. Found a breather

04 Aug 2015Torrente
It was an oddisey, but I finally got to Atlantis on my rented Sidewinder. For such lenghty trips, unladen and with a relatively short range on your FSD, I found ok to combine economic trade routes and fastest ones on the navigator. It did take me a few dozen jumps anyway, and about 3 refueling stops.

But in the end, Smitty and my Fatboy V were alright. Of course, my old first mate was drunk and had passed over a case of booze, inexplicably standing on my cargo bay. We took care of that -by finishing the liquor mainly- and got to trade. Atlantis and Grovichun are two nearby systems. Despite having their stations a little far from their respective suns, it's still a decent profit. There's rumors out there of a Commander Infinity+1 running a slave smuggling ring, but I need credits fast, and I don't want them to earn me a fine, or an unsunny disposition from the imps, as I try to work up my rank, y'know...

Sadly, I could only go for it once. After all the trip I was too tired to hit the hyperlanes. Let's hope I can get some more credits lined up in the next few days. Thinking of taking a couple of weeks off. Atlantis sounds nice.

"Get the hell out of there, Smitty"

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