Logbook entry

March 3rd 3302. The Tycoon is back home to Paras

10 Mar 2016Torrente
I know it's been a while without writing. Ever since I got my San José Anaconda, it's been a little hectic: get more money, outfit an ASP explorer to do just that... but it just wasn't good for me so it's gone, once more.

Also the buddies, the Achenar Immortals, have been granted the rule of Paras, and being the usual good fellow that I normally am, I've spotted a great opportunity for trading here. Good for selling raw materials and, like any extraction economy, good to get some machinery over here.

I've also spent the past couple of weeks in LHS 3447, roaming the Alrai Sector to get metals over there, on a Pilots' Federation initiative. Made quite a bit of dough on it, so I'm really, really happy.

So for now, It's good and back in Paras. I'm likely supporting the economic boom the Immortals are having, and likely work on my standing with the Imperial Navy. I've been out too long.
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