Logbook entry

May 2nd 3302. War diaries from a non-combattant

03 May 2016Torrente
Ain't this a mess. Apparently the friendly status the Achenar Immortals and them German Commanders in Wapiya didn't last forever. It was a bad thing the expansion of the Imperial faction happened at their doorstep (16 light years away, which is comprehensible), but after a set of interdictions and acts of war, the Prince has decided he wouldn't stand and watch while his chaps were being hunted down.

So it's on. And both law enforcement forces and civilians are paying it. Not much that I can do, myself, but I can keep the flow of goods needed in Paras coming and going. Which is no easy fit considering how much gorram alluminum the factories in Wilson Orbital and Smoot station need.

Fortunately the enemy ain't no Goliath. The Achenar Immortals have brokered a lot of support with Imperial groups and not just. Still, the biggest toll of this war will be on the civvies, so I gotta watch my back. It's not like I'm a priority target, but when people is blockading a system, or in this case, dropping it into outright anarchy, that same people don't take kindly on the chaps running from the blockade, bringing in what's needed. In a big-ass Anaconda, to boot. San José - II makin' me proud.

I've already postponed some time in my possessions in Kamocan because Senator Patreus called for materials to build a new Interdictor. And now this disaster of a war blows in our hands. If I run from the fray, now, it ain't gonna be pretty, and heck, where are you gonna find a talented trader like myself?

Thankfully I can run lower-impact jobs in the Virgen del Rocío, my faithful Python. Nothin' like it. She packs a punch, when I need to, but I've gone up the ranks in the Imp Auxiliary Navy thanks to it. Nothin' in the galaxy like her.

But in the darkest hours here in Paras, refuelling my ship in Barmin Station before I keep on runnin' missions, my thoughts are in my newfound home. Hopin' to make it back to the beautiful colony, see her nice domes, again, and drive around it.
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