Logbook entry

May 11th 3302. Fan mail!

11 May 2016Torrente
While I recover the losses of the past couple of weeks, or well, the lack-of-doing-a-shitton-credits, I received a kind letter from a UGC commander I'ma share with you guys

Title: Why did we AI lose

I'll let you know that you can't "lose" a system. You can't evict us, and by my recollection in the few fights you and your amigos have picked, you had to run back to Brothers' Vision to lick your wounds. Just sayin'

because Fat corrupt aristocrate lyers like you just talk a lot in the open, but never speak the truth like your foul mouthed propaganda earlier today.

Fat! OH, THE NERVE! Well, fyi! I'm on a 1-million calories diet. I eat the equivalent of half-a-cow a day. Figures. And "aristocrat". I resent the term. I may be a Viscount, and will definitely be more soon, but I got no top hat. And speaking of propaganda... enjoy the freebie.

it´s symptomatic that your kind is even to afraid to show a clan tag and let others do their fighting for them...

I'm humored by the need of needing a name badge to fight. Suffice it to say, my Python (my fighting ship) is white. Imperial white. As to having friends, I'm not surprised you wouldn't know what that is, son.

and even then with a bigger clan, you still loose your ground. and all you do is calling out to mommy frontier, thgat someone other than you is outsmarting you at your own game...

EEEveryone likes to be with the popular kids. That doesn't mean lives have to be devoted to us. We still let the fathers go to their kids. Also, quite funny you mentions "outsmarting" to be a complete coward, hitting where you can't be caught by our superior forces. It's easy to backstab someone, rather than fight up straight.

pathetic just pathetic.... and pathetic imperials should work the mines....

I agree: your statements are nothing but pathetic, and I'm surprised you'd know what working means, but... I thank you for the opportunity.

I definitely need more groupies writing to me. Let's hope CMDR Judder Man can put me in touch with them ladies!
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