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Hot from the press: Movement for Paras Free loses all support

16 May 2016Torrente
PINN - Paras Imperial news.

The recent set of wars happening on the system of Paras may soon come to an end, as the independent separatists Movement for Paras Free have lost all support from the population, eager to return to the Achenar Immortals' Imperial rule. Recently appointed King Elenar has gathered a support fleet to recover Wilson Orbital. Until now it held the second station, Smoot, that has resisted separatist rule.

Once the Wapiya-based UGC returned to its base, under the pretext of "being merciful", and filling local media with their separatist propaganda, the Movement for Free Paras couldn't handle the overwhelming Imperial liberation forces. It's very control of Wilson Orbital now is reduced to the Security Locked areas of the Coriolis space-station, and the populace is already raising banners for the fighting immortals that smuggle in what they need from other systems.

The economy of the system is still recovering, after weeks of restless fighting and political swifts. Minor faction after minor faction war has put the local economy on the brink of ruin, but after all the fighting, more peaceful solutions are underway. The Imperial Wapiya Patron's Principles will hold an election with the United Paras Defense Force for the control of the third Station, Barmin.
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