Logbook entry

Dude, where’s my Python?

25 May 2016Torrente
It’s been a good couple of days. Been hard at work on the trade routes, trying to get on my Elite Trader, but still 27% Tycoon. It’s a grind, alrighty, but hey, I don’t complain on account on the millions I’m pocketing.

I’ve… also given up on my independence. It never hurts to get friends in the right places and for my current goal, Senator Zemina Torval works just fine. I can’t say I’m really versed on getting merits, but I’ve got a bonus in price in her control worlds. Just need to pick my routes carefully.

In any case, I decided one night by some pirate Coriolis place, sleeping in the Anaconda’s bunk, basically, was enough. So I decided to land back in Wilson Orbital in Paras… and then I realized it.

“We have no Python under your name in the manifest, Commmander”. They kept my old T6 and a hauler, but no sign of my Virgen del Rocío.

ARE YOU SERIOUS!? It’s not that I like the bunks more, but that ship’s got a military loadout. It costs more than my life insurance!! I hope it’s not been jacked. With the system on lockdown and all, I’d be surprised. But Paras is passing through a rather rough spot, factions still fighting, and, worst case scenario, the ship might have been stolen to fight in one of the conflict zones… That’d be abyssal. I hope the Port Authorities look into this. I wouldn’t even like to be compensated for it, I want my ship back!!
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