Logbook entry

Working my ass in Paras

30 May 2016Torrente
An awesome weekend, I got to say. The newfound peace in Paras (it won’t last, but here’s hoping) has everyone looking and selling commodities and the margins for the middle man (aka, yours truly) are getting reaaaally good. I mean: almost a million to get stuff to Pandemonium (45 lys) is quite a bargain.
Of course, King Elenar is offering a hand now to the fellas in Barmin Vision, but since the UPDP is already in Liu Di, it comes to no surprise they always get juicy contacts and good deals for transport. And I’m not even using the San José (I love flying an Anaconda, sure, but when I meet the big mean pirate in another conda rigged to make Torrente meatballs, I’d rather fly something that can actually fight back).
So, taking on the Python is just a few more jumps, but the reward was absolutely worth it. Got a few jobs lined up that will take me around the cluster, and all back to Paras again. Being a count is turning quite the profit, really.
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︎1 Shiny!
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