Logbook entry

Torrente appointed Count

01 Jun 2016Torrente
Commander José Luis Torrente, until now Viscount of Miller Gateway, Kamocan, has received a letter of appointment from the Emperor, stating that the colony in the Kamocan System will be a county on its own, from now on. Until now, it hierarchically depended on the orbiting starport of Charlier City.

This promotion comes after the foreign-born nobleman have worked extensively supporting local Imperial business on the cluster system of Paras, where the Achenar Immortals are based. Getting support from King Elenar, its ruler, and a marginal support of Senator Zemina Torval, which business controls the Kamocan system, the now Count has got the attention of the proper Imperial Auxiliary Navy officials, that encouraged the appointment.

The Commander has been reported to navigate the contiguous systems of Kartamayana, Liu Di and Paras, supporting local trade, taking care of obnoxious preachers that polluted the radio frequencies with their cultists ramblings, and recovering intelligence from the recent conflicts that have affected the systems in the past weeks, and that were particularly virulent in the Achenar Immortal's territory, with all factions battling for power until Imperial rule was reinstated.

Torrente is "Deeply grateful" for the support received and has pledged himself to "continue supporting local Imperial business and beyond".
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