Logbook entry

Heading to Heart & Soul Nebulas - Part 1 - 06/08/3302

06 Aug 2016Corven Dallas
Im heading this Nebulas, my first route of 1000 ly aprox (max route traceable) heads me to WREDGUIA QD-I C 10-3, I will trace a new route as soon Im there.


Changing a bit my course, now heading, I decided to plan my rout across the RR line, that is a line that passes through:

- Reorte (75.75 : 48.75 : 75.15)
- Riedquat (68.84 : 48.75 : 69.75)

That and the 1000 Ly limit puts me now to WREDGUIA OX-U C2-5

Commander Dallas out.
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