Logbook entry

Heading to Heart & Soul Nebulas - Part 6 - 14/08/3302

14 Aug 2016Corven Dallas
Had some problems on this course, nothing important, but Im late on (personal) schedule, now Im on my last part of the trip to Heart&Soul Nebula, Im not revealing the exact system... yet.

But probably I will do soon, I have this little hope of finding some universe-shaking discover, that goes into history books... but surely won't.

99,9% is that there's nothing special there and I had to set new objectives to my exploration.


Goal met, and, as expected, nothing else than a black hole in the heart nebula (HEART SECTOR ZEA E-11), now looking for another goal to be set

The canopy seems somewhat damaged, it worries me...


Ok, new course set, less than 700 LY and some mad teories that need observation, lets go on!

Commander Dallas out.
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