Logbook entry

CMDR Anders Brightwood, Flight Log #01 - 26.12.3306

26 Dec 2020SteamedP0tat0es
Well, here's the first flight log. To be frank, I don't understand the new Corporate memo about keeping a flight log but oh well. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.

Anyways, I was recently at Citi Gateway to deliver the items Corporate tasked me to send to Subject Alpha. The transaction went off without a hitch, perks for working under a corporation I suppose. Transaction details and the corporation's cut of the profit as per contract will be transmitted once I return to Headquarters. I was forced to leave the station quickly afterward due to the presence of a Federation Admiral in one of the station's bars.

The flight out of Citi Gateway was relatively eventless, aside from a minor pirate attack from a Fer-de-Lance. Luckily, the pilot (Fer-de-Lance) was a poor shot, and I got a good couple of bursts into his (or her, but the pilot definitely sounded male) ship. No damage was dealt to the Wanderer and the trip proceeded as planned.

I am currently back in the void again, heading back to Headquarters until further instructions.

CMDR Anders Brightwood
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