Logbook entry

FIRST MONTH in ELITE, definitly not the last :)

22 Dec 2020Mike Kastilione
My story? Sure, but not today, I have to figure it out myself, literally. A month has past since my recovery from cryosleep, still not remembering a thing from before. They said I am lucky, that I am not a wegie after drifting for over 75 years or so. And lucky they found my escape pod in the void...

So, physical coordination is lacking and I am learning new things every day, but at least my basic flying skills are quite smooth now. Doc said that muscle memory will be first to tell me more about my past, guess I was a pilot. I can now operate easily trade and exploration routes, even some simple mining, though the fighting ability is still rusty, got shot 3 times by some griefers before I figured out the evade protocol and which places to avoid in the open. Will get it around, no worries, everything in its own time. First learn how to escape, then learn how to fight.

Here I am, my first 5k trip outside the Bubble, at the Omega Mining Operation. Strangely, on arrival got message from an engineer, Professor Palin his name. And funny thing, got my first star system fully discovered and mapped as a first pilot [M17 Sector OR-F B26-11]. Guess what, they put your name in the Universal Cartographics public database. Cool thing. Anyway, I need to go the way back and work on maxing thrusters of my Anaconda. Looks like I will visit this Mr Palin after all.

Finally, time for the usual status report, but the Pilot Federation Officers that released me from this grim medical facility in Dromi, insisted on reporting regularly:
Combat: Novice
Trade: Elite
Explorer: Pioneer
INARA: #58170
Assets: 1,4 bln
Hyperspace travelled: 35,3k ly [2078 jumps]

Not bad for the first month, learning all this stuff like a new things.

Btw. Funny guys in grey uniforms, they also insisted that I stay in the sector of Matet-Dromi-Otegine, but after a week I went out to find my way. Fortunately we came to agreement and I need only to report weekly to Pilot Federation  office in Jameson Station, got myself the Founders World permit. If they want me to stay on the leash why don't they at least tell me more about my past? It is obvious they know more, than they want to tell.  "Classified" my as... I will find out soon on my own. Stay tuned.

Time to fly dangerously, 22 Dec 3306, Kastilione out.
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