Logbook entry

Graill Redd

03 Jul 2016Silverdrake220
Much of my time has been spent working with the system authority in Segon, taking down wanted ships in the system. I was invited for a drink a few back with a few of the pilots I have been flying with when we got back to O'Leary Vision, James one of the pilots asked if I would ever be interested in joining the authority?
  I told him at this point  probably not just because I had just started exploring the black, and joining them would mean staying in Segon pretty much permanently. I am not ready to settle in one star system just yet.
 James also told me that my work in Segon had  gotten the attention of the  higher ups with in the Authority, so a job was here if I ever wanted it. He also told me since I was not jointing just yet that their was a system wanting pilots to help them. the system was Graill Redd, they were fighting some sort of rebellion or something. A group or groups have been trying to undermine them and take over the government in Graill Redd.
  Not that I really care what government is in Graill Redd, but it looks like that faction trying to gain control is communist. That being said I thought back to browning up hauling freight wit lolh my father and uncle. All the communist controlled systems always seemed to be lacking basics for the people, You would see the military dressed in new uniforms the best ships. The people though always seemed tattered, ragged clothing, always seemed to look hungry. Even as a kid it did not set well with me.  I had asked my father many times about the different governments in all the different systems we hauled to, his response was always similar, some systems are better then other some governments are better then others but freight dose not take sides.  I am finding that harder to do as time goes on, I seem to be taking sides more and more.
  James and I finished our drinks spent most of that night joking and recanting stories with some of the other pilots. The next morning I decide to load up my DBS and head out for Graill Redd maybe I could be of some help, hell at least I could use the high number of credits their offering. I still have three ships to finish outfitting.
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