Logbook entry

36 Persei

08 Jul 2016Silverdrake220
jumped out of Segon to run some freight to 36 Persei, the run started like any other, some beutiful stars and the soothing quiet of the black. The first stop was Alexander Terminal, off loading the cargo and took back off for the second off load at Busch Port. This is where  things  got intersting. I jumped in to super cruse and sat back for a quick trip and some more quick credits.
  Suddenly my quiet ride was interuped, had a interdiction waring  come up and was snapped out of supercruse by another ship. I reganed control of my ship looking around I found the ship that had yanked my cobra out of super cruse, at that moment my coms came alive with the other ships comander demanding I turn over my freight. Thats when things got interesting. I turning my ship towards Busch Port kicked in the boost, planning on just boosting  back in to supercruse and finish this run. I took a few minor hits before my  cobra could get back up to speed, and get back into supercruse. I thought I had avoided any probloms setting back in the chair I thought another one left in the dust.
  Then another warning  I agen get pulled out of supercruse, same ship a farmore agressive captin. Another demand was made for my cargo. As I righted my ship and got ready to boost out of his grasp a few well placed shot disabled my thrusters. agen he demanded my cargo as my ship drifted with the prirate taking a few shots at me, I used both the fact he was not intrested in distroying the cargo I was carring and a new trick I had just learned from running with the Segon Authority. I fliped up my Systems panell and repair  rebooted my  ship to try to get my thrusters back online. as the ship went silent and dark as all the systems shut down and rebooted I watched a few lazer bursts light up my cobra  being thankful of her tough hull. as I  drifted thought space the little bit of time it takes for all the systems to reboot time seemed to slow way down  I was hoping that the thrusters were not to badly damaged. As the rest of the systems came back up  I  felt the push as the thrusters came back to life. I pushed  on the flight stick pointed the nose of the Cobra back towards Busch Port and mashed the throttle and hit the booters the Cobra shuddered a bit but then roared to life. soon I was away and back up in suppercruse.
 I was a bit more on edge now  have never been pulled out of supercruse by the same ship twice, he was eather far more modivated or far more desprate then any pirates I have run into before. I had come with in about 23Ls from my destaination thought it was  all about done, this guy had to try one last I gess. I was  pulled out of supper cruse agen, agen he demanded my cargo. I flipped the Cobra around dove  under him, this time I opened up my hard points. as the burst lazers and multicannnons locked into possion I opened up on him. after one  full run on the  underside of his ship  I  manovered my  ship back on course. The  bit of agression this time really seemed to get the point acress he was not gettign the cargo today. I popped   my chaff and then retackted  the hard points  mashing the throttle. boosted into the no fire zone of Busch Port.
after landing and deliverign the cargo I was carring I had debated on repairing and going after him, becasue I will not   fight  with  cargo on bord  it not worth the lose if it gets damageed or taken.  no frieght  I will jump into the frey in a minute.  more later
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