Logbook entry

Working in Carthage

26 Jul 2016Silverdrake220
As of now I am staying under the radar so to speak in Carthage running Supplies back to Marker depot. just here to mop up coin at this point, I have ships to outfit. When I am not running supplies back to Marker I have been watching the news feeds you can see what is coming. I have not picked sides by any stretch at this point, it is just here is where the money is at the moment. I may have to decide on what side to join if any  but their is still time for that later. Now we Focus on the  credits we are making and right now it looks like their is a lot to be made.
 I have not gone out with the  hunting groups yet, but that's after a few more fright runs and I will spend the rest of out time out here defending the rest of the traders and haulers that are  running supplies to Marker.
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