Logbook entry


13 Jul 2017Silverdrake220
So I finally picked up a brand new B rated Python. It took a bunch of work and the sale of most of my standing fleet but managed to buy the ship with mostly B rated up grades, and a bit left over for insurance cost.
  The next task after I recover some credits from this transaction is to refit my ASP for long range exploration ship. My ASP has served me very well she was the one ship I could not part with. Between utility and jump range I would be stupid to get rid of all the investment in both time and upgrades on that ship. Though I was sad to see the rest go, most of all my Diamond Back Scout I loved that little ship had a good amount of seat time and many kills with her it was the ship Ibhas flying when the PKs recruited me into their wing.
Now it's on to bigger things, I have a bit of time in this Python I feel a strange attachment building with this ship. She still needs upgrades but I enjoy piloting her and the fire power is pretty amazing. Jump range not so much but I will live with it, can see that aspect of the ship will be the only balancing act for now. With the upgrades FSD I am setting at a 23 light year jump range and will only go down the more I lean towards a combat load out. Being used to the ASP and her jump range I am not looking forward to that.
For now I am going to enjoy this ship and see what is in store for my new Python. I think I am going to new her The Basilisk fitting name I think.
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︎1 Shiny!
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