Cmdr KrisKelvin
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Sucuri do Mato
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda PNK-09
Overall assets
Solaris Xeno-Psychology Group

Logbook entry

I used to hate politics... [pt. 1]

29 Jan 2021KrisKelvin
...but what do you know, right? From starving freelancer to head of diplomacy in five years.

I remember arriving in Ida Dhor for the first time. I was attracted to the region by the mining rush in Borann, the galactic Serra Pelada, and that system had the closest hi-tech station around. It was perfect for refitting my mining vessel and take on the journeys ahead - improving your jump range helps a lot when trying to get to the best LTD buying markets fast and in one piece.

So I wasn't exactly poor by that time - between washing dishes and delivering mail for pennies, transporting refugees and illegal cargo for bucks, and mining the shit out of countless rocks and selling it to the right people for millions, I had made a good amount of credits and built myself a reputation with anyone who mattered. Those long hauling nights were serving more as a void-filling activity, an automated strategy for killing time, as all that money and ass kissing wasn't doing it for me anymore. I was starting to lose overall motivation and didn't know where to head from there. Grown tired of the emptiness inherent to fancy stuff, I became a regular at a small shithole spacebar which, in its defense, served one of the best liquors I have ever had.

That's when I met this lovely old grumpy shrink, Dr. Davis James. And things started to change.
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