Cmdr KrisKelvin
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Sucuri do Mato
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda PNK-09
Overall assets
Solaris Xeno-Psychology Group

Logbook entry

I used to hate politics... [pt. 2]

05 Feb 2021KrisKelvin
At first sight Davis James might have looked like any other drunk-head who had enough of it all, but something in those drowsy eyes suggested deepness and intelligence once shone behind them. This galaxy can make the most resilient souls bite the dust with frustration, and I have learned not to judge too quickly. His manners and politeness, even when he could barely stand, caught my attention and made me sympathize with that old stranger.

We drank in the same room for weeks before we got to talk. Both of us used to choose a table in a dark corner and sit there alone and quiet, ordering one drink after another.  That day though the bar was unexpectedly full - something about a weapon tech tradeshow or whatever - so no shady spots available for me to settle in. I got myself a seat by the bar, ordered a shot of that amazing liquor of theirs and stood by, listening to the other pilots' chatter around me. The most vocal group was discussing the recent Thargoid incursions, boasting about their performance in the AX combat zones. One of them was really exalted and started to sing a tone deaf song with xenophobic lyrics.

"How many missiles does it take to get a bug down? Kill them all, kill them all! F**k them up their giant green asses, exterminate the pests, burn their nests!"

The youngsters were still rejoicing when a surprisingly clear voice arose from the opposite corner of the bar counter.

- And you think killing something before understanding it is the best strategy?

Trying to sound amused, but actually feeling dared, the soldier replied with another question:

- Do you happen to have a better idea, grandpa? Sit down and wait for them to wipe us out, maybe?

Mr. James was older than most of us, but surely wasn't an elder. Ignoring the childish provocation, he tried to contemporize:

- I am just saying it's best for us not to think with our guts.

- Oh, so you are one of those bug lovers. "Make love, not war" in this case sounds painful!

His friends laughed hard like fifth graders.

- Of course not. I had family on Titan's Daughter, I deeply resent that attack. But I also know they wouldn't do it out of the blue.

- How could you possibly know that? And does it even matter now?

A security camera blinked, a commander I didn't noticed before approached the group and listened closely. Suddenly, Davis seemed worried.

- Forget it. It was just a hunch.

He transferred the due credits to the bartender and left the place at once, leaving a cup still half full behind. Needless to say that, by that point, I was so damn curious - something that haven't happened to me in a long time. So I also paid my bill and rushed after him.
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