Cmdr KrisKelvin
Space cowboy / Freelancer
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Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda PNK-09
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Solaris Xeno-Psychology Group

Logbook entry

I used to hate politics... [pt. 3]

15 Sep 2021KrisKelvin
It took me a while, but eventually I managed to get Mr. James to trust me. Albeit a liquor enthusiast, he was smart enough not to fall for an instant alcohol fueled friendship drive. Smart enough not to blabber about any specifics of his past.

Even today I don't know exactly what happened during his days serving the Alliance, but it seems things have gone pretty bad. The kind of "pretty bad" that makes you leave the system to never come back. An accomplished psychohistorian like him wouldn't throw decades of work and intellectual acknowledgement for cheap drinks at the dump where I found him.

Despite his shadowy background, I grew amazed by the old man's insights on the nature of consciousness and the role that certain hidden collective psychological structures can play on major historic events. It all may have sounded like some philosophical gibberish at first, but the more I listened to and cross referenced those hypothesis, the more sense they made to me. Maybe he has predicted something his superiors found threatening at the time?

Anyhow, witnessing such a bright mind withering like that was painful. I decided to help him get up on his feet - not sure if out of the goodness in my heart or of sheer boredom... I guess he reminded me of someone.
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