Logbook entry

Entry 003

20 Jan 2021EpicAce
I suppose this was an inevitable result of mingling with more and more people. But I recently got involved with a group of fairly fresh pilots.

I don't mind helping others out. After all, I was helped out by a good friend I still keep in occasional contact with now. Those were some dark days. It was fun looking back on it, seeing everything with a clueless look on my face and discovering everything for the first time, but I can't recommend it to everyone.

For now, it looks like I'm going to be helping them out for quite some time. Eventually I might go back to solo, but for the time being I shoved my priority of a Anti-Xeno ship to the back and made getting a Fleet Carrier a priority. Upkeep will be a pain, but I'm sure I-we can make it work.
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