Logbook entry

From a weird good-looking object in the space to a beautiful Nebula (My first Journey to a Nebula)

27 Oct 2022Mad Kats
I was doing passenger missions as usual in the Robigo system at the Robigo Mines station.

Once i exited the station and i was leaving the landing pad, i noticed something brighter in the space popping more than the other objects it had so weird colors and shape and i was wondering what it is since i never saw something like that in my "carrier".

At first it was looked like a portal with a blueish aura around it and a reddish thunder or an S in the center, i went to my squadrons Discord server immediately to ask if anyone ever noticed that and if knows what it is.

My whole Squadron was kind of shocked by the picture that i posted and got very curious as well asking me where am i, where they can find it etc. and telling me to investigate it since they posted my picture on the Cannon Discord and told them that's weird and needs Investigaton as they said.

That was it! i immediately felt that i must go and investigate it to see what it is even if i haven't leaved the "Bubble" and being inexperienced commander.

I started my journey by trying to target random stars that pointing close to it as an estimate, it was a very long and hard journey, the image of the object was changing colors and shapes every few jumps, i couldn't wait to find it and see what it is because in my mind was planted that it's something "rare" an anomaly that someone didn't find it yet.

At one point image of this object was clearer and clearer and i knew that it's not something very weird as it looked like at the first but i still wanted to see it, and finally was there found it and i got rewarded with this astonishing view of the NGC 7822 - Nebula:


Maybe it was not something unexplored or something new and weird but definitely was something that rewarded me with joy and i never regret taking that journey.

What i learn from this is to be always curious in the space you will always be rewarded - CMDR MAD KATS
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