Logbook entry

New Game and New beginnings

14 Jun 2019Ironragnar
Well after a long lay off I think about 1.5 years about I am rediscovering ED and all the new graphics and roles. Being an explorer my self I was keen to try out the new Exploration Mode on my Asp and also the new Planet Mapping facility. Not quite sure of the point of the mapping yet but I am sure I will work out its use soon. I managed to map a small planet recently and all it did was turn the planet blue and I got a nice message saying mapping was complete!! The launch mode on the docking computer is a nice addition though I never really had any issues departing the stations. I have not tried the FSS assistant which seems and tough this would be more useful i can't count how many times I have over shot the station because I had gotten distracted. I am liking the addition of the Codex and the Pilot handbook. The Codex is something I am looking forward to exploring in the future.

The Federal Privateers are still going although it looks like Doc has a new name again and there are still a few names i recognise which is good to see well done you guys for keeping it going for so long and that LHS215 is still under their control.

More information on my adventures when I have more time.
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