Logbook entry


30 Jul 2019Ironragnar
Made it to Jaques Station last night and checked into my temporary accommodation for the night. At first glance the station looks much the same as the Bubble. I have a stunning view out of my window though of the billions of stars and Nebula’s around here just beautiful. Woke this morning with a spring in my step and wandered down to the Cartographers to hand in my Explor data. Once they had done all the number crunching they handed over a little over 63 million credits. Next it was over to the outfitters and repair shop to look over my Asp Explorer she was looking a little worse for wear. I had run out of ammo for the Repair unit about 3/4 of the way over so the FSD Was down to 86% and the hull had taken a battering when I got too close to a brown Dwarf Star. So I needed to repair a few items and restock etc. Is left all my instructions with the team in the repair shop and headed over to Operations to look over the Missions and passengers awaiting transport. Not much going on yet maybe it’s a bit early. So I headed off to get some breakfast before heading back to my Asp to check out the local System Map and see what’s is going on and where to go. Playing in the background was the local news and also news from back in the Bubble with Prof Palin going missing it’s worrying news. I thought Brexit was bad!

More news later when I decide what I am going to get up to out here.
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︎1 Shiny!
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