Logbook entry

Preparation [08.25.3302]

26 Aug 2016Milwaki
We returned home safely almost a week ago. My brain has been scattered in the time since, the galaxy is busy, more so than usual. We turned in our data at Farseer Base; Felicity seemed quite happy to take it. We also lucked into nabbing those neutron stars and that earth-like as well. I've got mixed emotions about the lack of traffic to the Formidine; millions of undiscovered systems, those mysteries could hide forever.

I should also apologize for my brevity; I'm currently in the middle of a prolonged cruise to Nourse Orbital in Lambda Andromedae for a delivery.

News since my return has confirmed, from some scrambled radio messages sent shortly before being cut off, that the Formidine and the Pleiades are connected in some way. It's looking less and less like a needle in a hay stack, and more like pieces of a needle in different hay stacks.

There's also been news of a hunt starting on 08.28. The decoded transmissions uncovered recently seem promising, but also come across as a massive tease, and one hell of a hoax if this all falls through. The galaxy will be waiting with baited breath, myself included.

In an effort to jump on the anticipation bandwagon I'll be joining the commanders on Sunday for whatever events transpire, but in the interim I've begun preparations for both the hunt, and fund raising for Saud Kruger's Beluga. Since our return I've been running deliveries out of Sothis around the clock, once I've procured enough credits, I'll be switching gears back to working on module modifications to make the Cutter faster and give the Corvette a little more firepower. If we are in fact on the cusp of an invasion, I want to be as ready as I can; who knows what to expect?
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