Logbook entry

War Zone [09.14.3302]

29 Sep 2016Milwaki
It's been hectic out here. Turns out the idiots leveraging goods for information did actually have a secret to reveal, but before they got everything they were asking for, someone else beat them to it. A fellow commander took the scraps of information the trio doled out and found a Crashed Alien Object located at -26.37, 97.70 on 9 A in the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 system. It's a mouthful.

Nobody knows what the CAO is or was, or even what it would look like, you know, if it wasn't scattered in a dozen known pieces across the ground. Of course the word 'Thargoid' has been getting thrown around a lot, perhaps there's something to the stories. There have been dozens of renderings based on scans of the collected pieces, some seem promising, but regardless of whatever it looks like, it's not of human origin. Just like the UAs and the UPs, it only cements the fact that we're not alone out here. That's something to chew on.

In the mean time I've been getting reacquainted with Federal space. In fact I've been working my way towards Elite rank, in part to brush up my skills and to help end this war, bring peace to the true Independents, make weaker systems ready to fight an invasion, and to strip the world of a few less criminals. Most of my fighting has been in the LTT 6714 system, doing CZ runs and beating the Empire into submission. It would appear they've been financially backing some minor factions in that sector as an attempt to silently overthrow the Federation. Their counter attacks have been thick and fast but, we've been strong enough to hold them off for the time being. I'm not sure what their plans are, but our focus should not be on expanding, but fortification. Allowing the Empire to setup shop here only furthers the distraction.

I'd like to think that in this war I'm somewhere in the middle, but after the education I've been given, the life I have, and the place I call home, it's hard to turn the Federation away. Even though their capitalist and old world isolationist views from the FUS are rather executive and sovereign.

In the mean time I've been thinking about hiring on some crew to give me a hand out here, even just to bounce ideas off of. My recent trip the H&S nebulae put the true isolation back into perspective, especially crossing the Formidine, it's about as dark as the Milky Way gets until you're on the fringe. I'll be keeping it in mind if I see any young hopefuls looking to make a name for themselves out here. Might be fun to have an apprentice.
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