Logbook entry

The Work Never Stops [12.03.3302]

03 Dec 2016Milwaki
It's been a little too long since I've logged an entry. Since the last one I've taken a short two week jaunt to the top of the galactic plane and did a little sightseeing with Virginia. The real goal of the trip was to gather some more exploration data, and we did just that. It's incredible how many undiscovered systems there are so close to home. On our trip back we even came across an undiscovered Neutron about a thousand light years from Sol. In the right directions, there are settlements that far out, and yet a ripe for the picking Neutron lays unclaimed. I must admit I'm a little more than astounded.

All around, it was a tranquil, easy, trip. Hundreds if not thousands of worlds documented and cataloged. Then on the return to the bubble, sold the data to the Children of Raxxla who've been running an event to gather as much as they can. Made an extra seven million in the process.

Astrid took her lumps on the trip, cost over a million and a half just to reassess her systems and exterior panels. Her shiny gold paint had been worn flat, and in most places missing entirely. I left her with Virginia at Galileo when we returned, and most of the issues had been sorted out the following morning.

Right now I'm back on the wild goose chase trying to complete my set of engineering prodigies that pepper the bubble. The more I meet the more I realize these people have a hidden network of friends in high places. The more allies I can make, the more materials and objects of value I can supply them with, the better off I'll be when I need something from them. The Conda could do with some lighter modules, and the Beluga could do with a stronger shield. As of late I've been seriously considering buying a Fer-de-Lance as well; the work never stops.
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