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They're Here [01.05.3303]

06 Jan 2017Milwaki
It's happening. There's been talk about it for years, speculation and comprehensive discussions. Rumors of missing ships and very unusual encrypted data pulled from the black boxes of some that were recovered. It might be too early to try and string everything that's happened in the last year and a half together, but right now there are dozens of confirmed reports with holovid evidence that some kind of alien species is definitely among us.

Near the Pleiades and the Aries Dark Sector, eight-sided ships, organic in nature, are tearing ships from hyperspace, leaving them dead in the water spinning uncontrollably, until a scan is performed and the octagonal vessel disappears. The victims systems are restored and they're apparently free to move on. None of the documented accounts have yet resulted in a attack, which leaves the door open for too many possibilities. No one has reported any compromises to modules or ship integrity.

One of the key aspects of these 'hyperdictions' as they're calling them, appears to confirm that the alien vessels are of ammonia-life origin; ammonia boils at -33° C. The ship shut down halts heat output, and the presence of the octagon causes the victim's ship canopy to ice over. Old stories of the eight-sided Thargoid craft coming from an ammonia world would seem to check out, but it may not be that simple.

Perhaps they're not the Thargoids we think they are. Thargoids have reason to be very hostile; the last time we encountered them it entered in mass genocide of their kind, infected by the human designed Mycoid virus, eating away at the polymers of their ships and bodies. Either they're still afraid of what we can do, or they're a peaceful clan separate from the freaks we used to know. One such clan called the Oresrians, but their story is far more hazy.

Whilst this has been going on, I've been building my striker FDL. Allegiance with Li Yong-Rui has yielded some very exciting drunk salvo missile pods called Pack-Hounds, a rather aptly named weapon. With some preliminary testing, I've rather fallen in love with the whole setup. Soon though, I plan to head towards the Pleiades and see if I can't encounter one of these aliens first hand. It's all rather surreal to be alive during all of this. The stories as a child were more than amusing, and now the future of mankind has never looked so different. It's quite a way to start the new year isn't it?
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