Logbook entry

The Encounter [01.07.3303]

07 Jan 2017Milwaki
Well it happened. I don't really have words. I know that's kind of the point of these things but, I can't form a proper sentence in even my mind.

I docked the FDL, recalled Astrid, B-lined it to Palin's, fitted some specialized cargo racks, under the watchful eye of the FNS Perseus mind you, stationed directly above his outpost. From there I recovered a UA from the many anomalies in the HIP 14479 system as from the many reports they seemed to play a role. On my return trip the from Aries Dark Sector, ready to throw in the towel... it happened. My stomach dropped, as witchspace distorted like a bending mirror, a procedure I've done a million times, but this time the ships trajectory felt loose, it began to spin uncontrollably, the cone green-shifted until the wormhole collapsed, hurling me and Virginia like rag dolls through dead space. All systems shut off, the ship iced over and the soundtrack that filtered through the ships synthesizers were some of the most horrifying notes I think I've ever heard.

Above the canopy floated a massive eight-pointed star, just the like the reports, it looked grey and green, organic, not like a space ship but a plant or biological entity. No exhaust followed it either, but what looked like gravity waves as time and space rippled in a sickly orange hue. It spun to what I assume was it's front to face us. Somewhere in there a pair of eyes, of some kind, unknown to me, staring back. Before I could really dwell on the weight of the situation though, the object started to open, glow, and then release a hellish yellow beam that engulfed Astrid and blinded us. I thought that was it, it was over. This is what my death looks like, here and now, just like all the reports recovered from other missing ships; another faceless blackbox recording dying to another mysterious noise and shapeless alien force. I was skeptical of those reports for so long, but here I am, staring that force in the face.

It didn't kill us though, it didn't even damage the ship. The yellow beam simply ended, the object closed and then it flew away, flinging Astrid along it's gravity ripples like a leaf in a pond. That was it, before we knew it, it was 4km away, high waking through what looked like a doorway back to witchspace, as though it lives there, travels freely anywhere within, likely capable of traversing thousands of light years in a few or seconds.

I'm rather mixed on this one. They exist, they're powerful, they're gargantuan, and they're not afraid of us anymore. If these are Thargoids, like all evidence says they are, and they're the same ones the Mycoid devastated centuries ago, clearly something is happening. Either they're ready for a counter-attack, looking for something, or afraid of something even worse.

What now?
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