Logbook entry

Double Elite [01.30.3303]

31 Jan 2017Milwaki

I'm not one for selfies, but I think the occasion merits it.

Today I did something special: I earned my second Elite rank in the Pilot's Federation. I suppose more than one is really just ancillary, but it's still an honour and feels no less special than the first.

For some time now I've been on and off exploring, I've also been using the Beluga between combat stints to relax... I still need to think of a name for that thing. The whole idea of running a passenger ship seems so obscure, but at the same time it's pretty hard to scoff at the money some of these tourists throw around. I guess it's a shoe that's starting to fit after forcing it on so many times.

Honestly wasn't a facet of exploration I thought TPF cared to acknowledge, but amidst recent findings across the galaxy they must've loosened their view, perhaps to entice more people to get out there and find stuff. Just yesterday they found the third alien ruins belonged to the supposed Guardians.

A few rich tourists later and here I am with a holofac message from TPF with an Elite rank. There isn't much better news to blindside you, especially not behind a few hundred million credits. It's hard to not come off sounding pretentious... but I'm the only one reading these anyway so I guess it doesn't matter. Money is money.

I've also avoided the subject of new crew mates, but I guess now's the time to bring it up. Virginia is still with me, but since hiring her on I've had a few others join me who... didn't make it. We ran a few less than ideal combat ops that went a bit sideways. It's honestly not something I want to talk about (even if it is to myself) but moving past it has been difficult. They knew what they signed up for, I made sure of that. Even though they still accepted, I still somehow feel at fault. It's not an avenue I want to explore again... my point is this new girl, named Antoinette "Tonie" Head, has been an absolute star.

She's got telepresence down pat, still something I have issue with, stomach-wise. There's something a little off about flying a ship and being on another one, experiencing different G-forces, that my body doesn't agree with... yet at least. Tonie's proven herself in combat on many occasions, even run a few recon ops with myself and Gin. There's also Dan; Dan is quiet. Hired him on to help out, mostly works on systems and in-flight maintenance. Has yet to run any combat ops but he seems willing and eager, just not sure of his skills. Maybe I'll give him a shot one of these days.

Money isn't a concern any more, I have as many ships as I could want, I have a fantastic crew right now, and the galaxy is only getting more interesting by the day. It's a little surreal when I lay it all out like that, but I'm so honored to be this well off when there's so much poverty, crime and famine all over the bubble. I feel a little compelled to try and clean it up a little bit with the power I do have. Plus I'm honestly not too far off hitting my Elite combat rank anyway. Just need to find a nest of criminal pirate scum and crack it open.
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