Logbook entry

01 August 3301 - Slow Progress

01 Aug 2015Jason Wolfe
Flew over to Murus to a combat zone after taking care of another one within Apurui. It was a long fight and earned a good 500k from it. Brought up my cash to a better mark, but flying around and getting this minimal cash is a hassle. I like being local and getting a ton of cash like before within Carns.

Sigh... I wish I didn't have such a trigger finger there...

Back in Carns a few days ago, I was doing the same ol' routine of hunting pirates in this resource extraction site. Scanning here and there was as usual when I spotted laser fire. I rushed over and found the targets attacking a miner. Scanning them, I spotted the first in a wing of three and fired on them. He was easily downed by my return fire. The mistake I made was that the 2nd target I picked was the miner, and the poor fellow was at low health. My fingers thought before my brain could and I tagged him a bit. I realized what I had done and held any more fire. I locked onto another target and pursued him. Unfortunately, the miner lost his ship, and I was given a bounty. 5 days of waiting and I'm sometime half way over that time limit.

Back to current events, I hopped back to Chona looking for missions to grab. Ended up in Valiance fighting and interdicting pirates in Chona and Zhao, another system that I had the unfortunate mess of getting a bounty for. Around the same time that I got the bounty within Carns, I picked up a mission to assassinate some religious fellow. I sorta regret it, but I needed money. Found and interdicted the guy. He was in a Type-6. Never had a chance. He blew up and I boosted away. I had to be cautious while hunting pirates for any authority ships. Fortunately, none stopped by. Another chunk of change in my pocket for bounties and mission rewards.

I decided Pirouette needed some upgrades, but after installing the Class 3 Gimballed Beam Lasers, I was down to 1.5 million, and this baby needed a better power distributor. Chona didn't have any in stock to my dismay, but I know with what money I had, I could afford it, with little change left. I had to hold off for now.

Cash is slow. Progress is slow. Can't wait until this bounty is off of me.

First thing I do after paying that bounty is just spending the entire day in that extraction site. I miss those pirates and the money they give me.
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︎3 Shiny!
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