Logbook entry

03 August 3301 --- Just A Simple Routine

03 Aug 2015Jason Wolfe
After waking up and eating at the Orbital, I hopped into Pirouette expecting a difficult fight ahead of me. What ended up happening was many of the similar ships I fought against back in Carns were seen here. No Pythons, Clippers, or Dropships to be seen anywhere. It meant less bounties to be made per downed ship, but it was something I was used to.

So off I went, blasting pirates left and right getting bounties pocketed like picking hair from your head. To my surprise, another Commander jumped into the RES to do some bounty hunting of his own. CMDR Xenotet was his name, piloting a Cobra. He explained his experience and how he discovered this certain RES; the same way I did. He was pledged to Aisling, as I was. So we winged up together to watch each others' backs. It's nice when you have someone else flying beside you and watching your six.

So we fought pirates together, blasting away as our credit accounts grew. He told me he wouldn't stay for too long, which I was alright with. One of the ships we went against wasn't fully scanned for him, but since I had begun firing, he blasted away as well, he got a fine for it, before the scan was complete, so the nearby security forces started attacking him. He jumped before they could do any serious damage, fortunately. He returned, having paid the fine and we went on until he had to make his departure. With a salute and a goodbye, he left the RES and the wing, leaving me back to the old routine.

Having all the space to myself, the bounty money went back to myself. Another hour or so, and I grew tired, needing a bit of a rest. Returning to the Orbital, I gained another 1.7 million into my account before taking a break. There's not much to this job, just scan, shoot, and cash in. I'm around two thirds the way to my next combat promotion, so there's that going for me. I might try mining again. I just know I'm not using that Adder...
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