Logbook entry

Log#4: From small guys to wise guys

19 Aug 2015Elden Frost
Date and Time: August 12 3301, Time is 10:21

Relenth caught me off guard in my room, I was staring at some old pictures and charts thinking of past involvements with women and just old space ports...I was listening to jazz when he entered the room, he called it old people music so i ended up throwing something at him. I was wandering about the last spaceport we entered and I overheard a few commanders talking about graduating from the academy and becoming a commander. It made me a little jealous to be honest... I didn't have the privilege to be uptight and pampered in a school. Nah my start was a little more...strange but pretty lucky...

I was just a lower class bumpkin that was trying to make his way, whether working as a dock worker, a screwy hired gun, or a goods runner. I’ve wanted my own ship for a very long time, but I didn’t have the money to go to a fancy school, and I didn’t get a break when trying to fidget with bogus federation rules about non cadet personnel using Flight Sims. I had to do a lot of jobs I’m not really proud of, but they did pay good cash for components, and I did learn a lot, learning the bosses of sectors and who was in charge, even learning how to rewrite system ID’s to do in station smuggling runs. Since there were a couple bad apples among the crop of new cadet students, it allowed me to make a fake academy profile and even trick the sims into recognizing me as a pilot cadet. When I got down time I’d go down to the sims and just simply fly, I was never particularly great at the combat stuff but I did enjoy flying fast. Trying to look out the space port air locks and viewpoints was dangerous since you had officers and mobsters hanging around all the time, that and if someone wanted to, they could just open the outer locks and flush you out into the airless interior. Sometimes I’d sit in the sims and just stare at the fake stars out in the visual hud. It might have been fake, but to me when I was sitting in that chair at that moment, those stars were like outlets into the universe begging to be found and explored… it was damn beautiful…

I digress though, maybe I’ll put a log in about how I won a sidewinder in a game of chance… but for now, Relenth wants me at the helm for some reason, probably another group of authorities that need a pilot profile scan… who knows.

Elden Frost, Signing out
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