Logbook entry

Exploration, engineering... Raxxla

21 Dec 2020Chihiro Starr
I'm a cmdr since a few weeks, I've managed to progress till I got the ship I wanted, I've also manged to fully engineer the FSD.

I did a lot, but I feel that there's still a lot I have to do before I leave for a long exploration journey, since I've learned a bit more about Raxxla I also started thinking a lot about it. I'm not yet obsessed with it, but... the greatest mystery of the galaxy, it really sounds fascinating.

I'm telling you what I think: it's real, there's no doubt. And not only that I'm almost certain the Raxxla is the gate to another galaxy, probably one of the nearby galaxies I can observe when I'm out there. I've heard stories of other cmdrs that worked really hard trying to solve other mysteries, spectrum analysis, decoding archives, it is intimidating, but I can't stop thinking about it.

Now I'm in doubt, I wanted to explore, it's in my name, it's in my DNA, but solving this mystery might allow me to go as far as humanity has ever been.

Yet, there's something more I want to do, or better, that I feel I have to, increase my rank, improve my ship.
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