Logbook entry

Ad Astra Per Aspera

07 Aug 2023Foxtrot Echo One
Commander’s Log 3309-Aug-07 - The Vortex Continuum has reached another crossroads though our journey in the Thargoid war. The Humans continue to war with each other even though there is a bigger threat to our existence than territory, wealth or fame.

Even now, crime in the Bubble has reached an unbearable level. Pilots killing other citizens and military personnel without regret. I am not sure if the loot, notoriety, or credits is even worth the trouble. They still seem to want to commit these crimes even though the Thargoids will likely make them into a Human-sandwich soon enough.

I have come to a point in my life and career where I am concerned for Humanity, but I feel that there are millions of Pilots out there without a clue as to what is at stake if we don’t push back against the Thargoids. I feel like I need to follow a different path and let go of some of my expectations for a perfect galaxy. I now believe that my purpose in this galaxy is to try and save as many souls as I can before it is too late.

The Vortex Continuum is at a point in our home system of LTT 7126 that a difficult choice needs to be made. The system is both Independently operated outside of all Superpowers and not engaged in PowerPlay, but it is also a place riddled with crime and murder. When we came to this system, we thought freedom without rules would be a benefit to society as a whole. I see now that having no consequences for crimes only leads people to destroy each other indiscriminately.

Maybe it’s the Thargoids themselves that are sowing chaos in the Bubble with some sort of mind control. Maybe the toxic, caustic gas is just too much to bear for most Humans. It’s possible people are just scared and they are lashing out thinking the end is nigh. Maybe we are just doomed to be eaten or transformed into some kind of Goid Zombie or (Thombie). As I see it, I have to try and give people the best opportunity to survive this crisis and hope for the best that humanity is actually worth saving. Right now, I am not really convinced that things will change.

I visited the remains of the Dedicant Megaship the other day and what I heard on the ship's log recordings made my spine tingle. Even The Fargod Cultists that believe that the Thargoids are their friends or Gods were met with a much different fate then they had imagined. The screams of those both military and civilians was enough to put fear into even the most adept pilots. I had to frameshift out of there as fast as I could so I could seek refuge in a bottle of Eranin Whiskey.

Before I left the system, I located a few stray occupied Human escape pods in the systemand picked them up thinking I would help these poor souls get medical attention. I was interdicted by a terrifying Thargoid that I had never seen before. It wasn't a Glaive but it looked similar. This Goid started firing Thargoid Breaching Drones at my ship, attempting to break into my cargo hold. Once the doors were open, I could hear the muffled screams coming from the escape pods. I quickly engaged the Thargoid with my new Azimuth, pre-engineered Multi-cannons and wiped it from existence.

This Goid seemed easier to kill then a Glave, yet harder to kill than a Scout. The damage to my ship was minimal. The xeno-scanner said this was a Scythe Variant Thargoid, which was a new entry into my codex. It seemed only interested in the Humans as they left my case of whiskey in the hold. I re-captured the escape pods and made my way out of the HIP 19600 system. I shared some whiskey with the medical team at the Forester Megaship as they couldn't believe what had happened to us out there.

It was at this moment that I realized there were more important things than controlling a system and trying to make everyone happy while keeping the citizens safe. It is apparent that the rest of the Vortex Squadron feels the same way. Many of them, after the first stage in the Thargoid war either became ill with caustic poisoning, or sustained bodily damage due to all the flight time and stress. Our Squadron suffered terrible losses at the hands of the Thargoids. I hope those who are able, will return someday and help in the fight. Until then, I wish them a speedy recovery.

The remaining Vortex Squadron is needed elsewhere and they will be joining me on the flagship carrier, Cygnus-Prime. I struck a bargain with the Empire to take over security and protect our citizens for the foreseeable future in LTT 7126. As a King in the Empire, I was granted this offering, and I thank the Emperor, Arissa Lavigny-Duval for her support during these tragic times.

My purpose is now much more clear. I must engage with the citizens of any system that will listen to teach them what I can about these Thargoids and how they can better serve humanity. I have started a Thargoid University where I will teach people how to evade and fight the Thargoid threat to the best of my ability. Our current campus is on my fleet carrier, Cygnus-Prime, but with the help of my staff, I know we will eventually find a suitable Starport or ground-based facility to host students from all corners of the galaxy.

I will also be in need of educators as my knowledge is limited because I am a combat pilot and politician at heart. I know that going forward, once people see the value in what I am offering, educators and benefactors will come forward to help save humanity.

The aspiration of Human kind is to reach the unattainable; its dream is the realization of the impossible. The Thargoid University will help humanity reach the stars through difficulties.

-o7 Commanders
Foxtrot Echo One

Ad Astra Per Aspera: John James Ingalls coined the motto in 1861.
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